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Impedance – FAQs

How do I know what impedance load I have? Most manufacturers will specify impedance, and will include it in the product specifications, often printing it on the speaker itself. If you don’t have this information, you can measure the DC resistance using a multi-meter (please note Resistance is NOT Impedance – find out why here: https://speakerwizard.co.uk/impedance-and-resistance-whats-the-difference/ […]

Impedance and Resistance – what’s the difference?

Why does my 8 ohm speaker read 6 ohms when I measure it on a multimeter? It must be faulty right? WRONG! I’ve heard this so many times I’ve lost count, but there is a difference between impedance and resistance. When you measure resistance with a multimeter you are measuring DC resistance. The DC resistance […]

Nominal Impedance – What It Really Means

Nominal impedance (Z) is the simplified, rounded value used to describe a speaker’s average impedance across its frequency range. Unlike DC resistance (Re), which is a fixed value, impedance varies with frequency, often rising at resonance and at higher frequencies due to voice coil inductance (Le). Because impedance isn’t constant, manufacturers round it to standard […]

Driver TS Parameters: Re (DC Resistance) & Le (Voice Coil Inductance)

Re is the DC resistance of the loudspeaker’s voice coil, you should not confuse this with impedance, although related, the two are different. Measuring the resistance of a speaker with a multi-meter, the reading you get across the terminals should be close to the manufacturer’s specified Re, it’s not unusual to get a minor variation […]